Patient record

Once you've found a patient and opened their record, you'll see their details and vaccination history. You can check in patients using their patient identifiers and review their previous vaccinations.

If everything looks OK, continue to 'Choose vaccine'.

Screen showing a user the patient’s details and vaccination history

Vaccination history

You can view COVID-19 and Flu vaccinations in the history, unless the vaccine was recorded in the last 24 hours.

You can view RSV and Pertussis vaccinations in history only if they’re recorded in RAVS. Vaccinations recorded in other systems (like point of care and GP systems) will not be shown.

Editing or deleting records within the vaccination history

You can only:

  • edit or delete vaccination records saved in RAVS. You cannot change records captured in other systems.
  • edit the information recorded on the 'Vaccinate' screen. You cannot change the assessment or consent screen because it changes the vaccination outcome.

Important: Be cautious when deleting a vaccination record. Incorrectly doing so could impact the patient’s future care.

Duplicate records

If a duplicate or similar record exists in PDS and RAVS, they will appear on the patient details screen. You can update the local record to reflect the PDS record.

Adding vaccination records after they have been administered

Important: If you add vaccination records into RAVS after they have been administered, please check who gave the vaccine. For example, if another healthcare provider or setting administered it, RAVS will be recorded and displayed as the data source.