Managing vaccines

Only lead administrators and administrators can manage vaccines and batches.

Adding batches

Select ‘Add vaccine’ from the vaccines home screen. Then search and select a site’s name or ODS code and continue.

Screen shows user searching and finding an organisation to select

Select the ‘Vaccine type’ and ‘’Vaccine product you’d like to add to your chosen site and continue.

Screen shows user selecting the vaccine type and vaccine product

Enter a ‘Batch number’ and ‘Expiry date’. For COVID-19 batches, you must enter an extended field and a ‘Thawed expiry date’.

Screen shows user entering a COVID-19 batch number and thawed expiry date

Before saving the vaccine batch, you can change or edit it from the final ‘Check and confirm’ screen by selecting a link. The link will return you to the relevant screen to make the necessary changes.

Screen shows user the vaccine batch they have added

You’ll return to the ‘Vaccines’ home screen which shows the vaccines and active batches you’ve added to your sites.

Screen shows the vaccines they have added to their sites

Editing, depleting and reactivating batches

You can edit, deplete and reactive batches from the vaccine product screen.

What happens after I do this?

  • Edited batches will immediately change
  • Depleted batches will immediately change to ‘Pending’ and become ‘Depleted’ at midnight of the same day
  • Reactivated batches will immediately change to ‘Active’ on the vaccine product screen

Screen shows the user pending and active vaccine batches