
Only lead administrators and administrators can create reports.

Vaccination data is available for extract as soon as it’s recorded and saved. You can extract data in a ‘.csv format’ (comma separated values) to support reporting within your organisation by choosing from a combination of:

  • dates (up to a maximum of 2 weeks)
  • vaccines
  • sites

You aren’t restricted to how often or when you can create reports.

Choosing dates

Select preset dates or a custom date range.

The date range for custom reports is limited to 2 weeks. Dates must be in the past.

Note: The maximum 2 week restriction is temporary, and we’re looking to remove this soon.

Screen showing a user selecting a custom date range

Choosing vaccines

To support the Autumn Winter campaign, RAVS will record the following 4 vaccines:

  • COVID-19
  • Flu
  • Pertussis
  • RSV

Select the vaccines you wish to report on.

Screen showing a user selecting a vaccine

Choosing sites

Select the sites you wish to report on. You’ll only see sites added into RAVS with an ODS code.

Screen showing a user selecting a site

Running your reports

Depending on the volume of data you’ve selected, a screen may appear indicating that your report is being created.

Downloading your report

When you download your report, it will appear in your browser downloads. Your browser should notify you when the extract is available.

Important: Downloaded extracts hold personal data. Handle them in line with your organisation’s data management policies.